Cult of Blood By Hamish Wilson “Bhuuesco rudsceleratus adoleo praaNsilenux” chanted a circle of cultists surrounding a heavy blaze of fire as hot as the Texan sun outside. The leader of the group held out his hand, still chanting and gestured at the fire. It turned from a heavy yellow to a dark red, the colour of human blood. The leader stepped back a few steps as the fire increased in intensity. The face of Tchernobog, the one that bind, the dreaming god, devourer of souls appeared in the centre of the burning inferno. “You have done well, servants” it said in a deep monotone, “The power you have brought me has made me stronger. You may no leave me, my slaves!”. The dreaming god then disappeared from the flames and they returned to there normal yellow hue. The cultist sat in silence for a little while, until eventually they started to chatter amongst themselves. “Did you hear the news?” one of the cultists said to another. “You do not really believe that do you?” the other replied. “I don't know, how do you explain the absence of the Chosen then?” the other cultist replied. “Enough of this” the leader said finally. “The dreaming god needs more work out of you! Go and preform his bidding!” The other cultist (somewhat unwillingly) got up and headed out of the spiritual hall of the Temple. The Texan sun gleamed on their robes as they headed out for more work and toil for the one the binds. “But master...” Caleb pleaded. Tchernobog would not stand for insubordination. “You will go and you will find him. He is one of my Chosen” Tchernobog commanded. “Yes master” Caleb said defeated as he headed for the hall exit. Cerberus growled from beside Tchernobog and Cheogh made a rude gesture. Caleb looked scornfully at him and made a mental reminder to someday kill the granite piece of slime. The two other remaining Chosen were waiting outside. “I assume Tchernobog is not pleased then” Ophelia said commenting on Caleb's expression. “Well you should have known better” Gabriel scolded. “Ishmael deserved it. You do not get in my way!” Caleb replied while giving Gabriel a dirty look. “Anyway...” Ophelia interrupted “What exactly are we to do now?” “Tchernobog wants him returned” Caleb replied, and shot a dirty glance at Gabriel before he could comment. “Then enough discussion” Ophelia commanded, as she started walking in the direction of the nearest settlement. It was a small frontier village, small population and only the bare essentials of living. The trouble was none of the Chosen knew where Ishmael had gone. Ishmael of course would have probably used a Crystal Ball to locate someone, but none of the other Chosen really knew how to operate it. The three split up, with Caleb searching at the north end of Town. The bar was conveniently located in this part and Caleb decided to get him a little pick me up before seriously looking. Caleb was fortunate however to find Ishmael there at a table playing cards. Caleb tried his best to conceal himself and listened in on his conversation. “It is not my fault you keep losing” Ishmael said to the rather unhappy gambler he was playing with. The veins of the man's forehead showed and his face flushed red. “You are cheating, you somehow know what my cards are. It's like magic!” the gambler said, almost exploding in anger. Ishmael smiled a sinister smile. “It's just skill” Ishmael replied smugly. “I WILL SHOW YOU SKILL!” the man said as he threw a punch in Ishmael direction. The blow was blocked however by the strength of Caleb's hand. The man looked dumb founded at Caleb. “No need to get worked up” Caleb said trying to look as menacing as possible. “Nobody wants to hurt you” the gambler replied shakily. Caleb flashed an even more menacing smile, and the gambler ran screaming out the door. “Pathetic Insects” Caleb taunted. “So Tchernobog reprimanded his Chosen boy, hmm?” Ishmael commented. “What?” Caleb said distracted. “Are you deaf or just stupid?” Ishmael jeered. “I will not take this bull from the likes of you” Caleb respond angrily, only just stopped from throwing a punch by Ophelia calling out. “Enough of this” she said annoyed as she pulled Caleb back away from Ishmael. Caleb almost lost control, but would not dare do anything in front of Ophelia. Ishmael chuckled to himself as Gabriel entered the bar, much to the fear of the other patrons. “What's their problem?” he asked as the barkeeper hid in the back room. “Come on Ish, master wants you home!” Ishmael leaned back in his chair, knowing very well that more fun was to be had. He moved forward and put a look of seriousness on his face. “First bulldog here needs to learn some manners”. Caleb responded aptly by growling through clenched teeth. Gabriel laughed and Ophelia rolled her eyes. “Enough of this Caleb! You don't want to get on the bad side of Tchernobog”. “Okay, just shut up” Caleb muttered, as Ishmael got up from his seat. “Pay my tab” Ishmael said as he handed Caleb the bill. Caleb responded by swearing under his breath, but Ophelia shot a stern look and Caleb paid up. “Now about my Life Leach...” Ishmael interjected as the four left the bar. Caleb thought carefully about his next response. “I um... Lost it” he lied. “Give it back” Ophelia hissed. “What, I don't have it one me!” Caleb replied. “Nice deception” Gabriel jeered. “Why you son of...” Caleb responded, but was stopped by Ophelia putting her hand over his mouth. “You be nice, or you will pay for it latter” she threatened taking her hand off. Caleb understood her meaning and kept quiet through the rest of the trip, though Gabriel tried his best to coax out a response. Ophelia ended up having to give him a gag order as well. “Will you just calm down?” Gabriel said annoyed. “I will not fall out of favour with Tchernobog because you two are acting like toddlers” Ophelia replied through gritted teeth. “Here, here!” Ishmael interjected. “You better keep quiet to...” she said warningly while Ishmael put on his best innocent look. After the implementation of gag orders the trip to the Hall of Epiphany took relatively little time. The great stone temple appeared on the horizon and Caleb swallowed his dread, he really did not want to see Tchernobog again. The four Chosen entered the hall and bowed before the presence of there god and master and the god stood up from his throne. “Welcome back, my child” Tchernobog said to Ishmael. “Good to be here master!” Ishmael replied proudly. “Now to deal with you...” Tchernobog continued, this time focusing on Caleb. “Yes master?” Caleb said almost trembling. The dark god paused and considered his servant for a moment. “You are warned never to disobey me again. The next time it will mean death!” Tchernobog commanded. “What... unfair!” Ishmael spluttered, but was cut short by the growl of Cerberus. “You may now leave me, children” Tchernobog said, and the four Chosen left the hall. “Bhuuesco rudsceleratus adoleo praaNsilenux” the four Chosen chanted as they approached the yellow flame. The cultists surrounding them repeated the chant amongst themselves as the flames once again turned blood red. The followers of the dreaming god chanted more, offering their souls to power their master. The fire intensified its fury like flames meeting gasoline, and the four Chosen stepped back. The image of the dark god Tchernobog appeared in the flames once again. “Excellent my servants, once again you have ALL served me loyally. You may now leave once again, children” the image said and once again faded out of view. Caleb and Ophelia walked out of the hall first, as the others lingered with their cultist inferiors. “See what a little manners gets you?” Ophelia said gently as they walked down the steps of the temple. “Sure, but I also know what violence....” Caleb replied but was cut off by Ophelia's hand. She then leaned up close and gave him a little kiss. “Hopefully that we keep you polite” she said suggestively. Caleb simply smiled. Hamish Wilson April 30, 2008. Thanks to Monolith Productions for the Blood Games and Characters Authors Notes I am quite happy with my characterization in this story. If you see my earlier work I try to stay clear of all that much dialog. I originally avoided writing in the pre-betrayal period, but this idea just came into my head. I still think Eric J, Juneau is still the definitive source of this period though. The moral of this story is do not piss off an ancient and destructive dark god who has a really freaky looking dog, or do not play cards with Ishmael. Your choice. This is also one of the few Blood stories where nobody gets killed, funny is it not?